vendredi 31 mai 2013

Leaves off Trees

leaves off trees
When the leaves of the tree fall, their destiny is to lose their freshness, like when somebody moves away from the heart, his destiny is to be forgotten  

mercredi 29 mai 2013

Attitude and Time

heart and attitude
There are some people who you live with them the whole life and age. However, you do not want to remember any one moment with them. There are others who you live them a moment and you remember them your whole life. You know why, because things that occupies hearts are attitudes not the time 

mardi 28 mai 2013

From Me to You

from me to you
 I will not love you through my heart
I will not love you through my mind
I will not love you through my soul
A day will come and my heart will stop pulsating
And my mind will stop thinking
And my soul will go away from my body
For all these reasons I have mentioned above

I will love you under and through the name of God who will never die and who is immortal

Just like my love towards you 

if it is God ' s will

samedi 25 mai 2013

Our Enemies

Our enemies
The worst enemies are those who were our close friends and relatives one day, what a hard time we are living in

vendredi 24 mai 2013

Funny Joke

funny joke
The daughter asked her father: dad how creation of human being began?
The father answered: dear daughter God created, Adam and Eve got married and they gave birth to boys and girls and this is how the creation of human being began
The daughter asked her mother: Mum how creation of human being began?
The mother answered: dear daughter the origin of human being was monkey, then he started to develop and he becomes look like a human.
The daughter came back angry to her father and said: why did you lie to me about the origin of human being? My mother told me that the origin of human was a monkey

The father answered: honey, I was telling you about my own family, regarding the family of your mother I think that she knows them better than me!!

Joha 2

Joha and the donkey of the king4
Joha narrated to his friends. One day I was in the gathering of one of the kings. The king was tending to make fun of me in front of everybody. He asked him, can you teach my donkey writing and reading?
 I felt provoked and said to him:
 I am agreed but you should give me a period of ten years. The king accepted the challenge and he decided to give me salary throughout this period. I left the gathering of the king and in my way I met one of my friends who asked me:
 Are you crazy? How could you accept this mission which is impossible?
 So I told him: in these ten years I may die, the king may die or the donkey may die. In this case my dear friend who is the crazy and who is the smart one?!

Joha and the cooker of the neighbor 5
One day, Joha borrowed a cooker from his neighbor and when he gave him back cooker, he found inside it a small cooker. So, his friend asked him:
 to whom this small cooker?
Joha answered: your cooker begot yesterday this small cooker and I think it is your right to take your cooker and her mother.
After some days, Joha went to his neighbor and asked for the cooker and his neighbor gave it to him. After that, the neighbor went to Joha and asked for his cooker. Joha saw him and started to cry and he told him:
 Your cooker died yesterday
His neighbor said: how could a cooker died I cannot believe this!!
Joha said: how astonishing you are!! You believe that the cooker gives birth and you do not believe that she can die!!
Joha and the wholesaler 6
Joha left an amount of iron to one of the wholesalers. When he asked from the latter to give him his iron, he told him that the mice ate the iron. Joha pretended that he believed him. After couple of days, joha stole the son of the wholesaler. The latter, started to look for his son and when he saw Joha he asked him about his son. Joha responded: I heard the cheep of birds and when I went to see what is going on and I see a set of birds holding your son.
The wholesaler asked him: can birds hold a boy?
Joha responded: the city in which mice can eat iron, also birds can hold boys!
The wholesaler laughed and gave back the iron to Joha

jeudi 23 mai 2013



Joha is one of the names known in all old Arabic cultures. Joha is a nickname of a special person known by his jokes, funny situations and his attitudes towards different issues. Throughout ages, this character was present and known under the name of Joha. Most persons consider him stupid. This character has lived with different generations and everybody knows him and they are still narrating his funny stories till now. Most of them consider him stupid. However, I do strongly believe that only smart persons are able to pretend that they are stupid and not the contrary. Here are some of Joha’s funny situations translated into English and then you can judge if joha is really a stupid person or smart one.

Joha 1
Joha was always walking with his donkey. Some of his friends saw him coming and he was tending to make fun of him in front of a group of people. So he said, hi Joha, do you know something, when I saw your donkey I knew that you are coming without seeing you. Everybody played a joke on him. Joha laughed too and he replayed him: you know why because donkeys know each other dear!.
Joha 2
A man saw Joha coming and he said: I saw you from far, so you seem to me like a woman. Joha replayed: really, me too, I saw you from far, so I thought you are a man
Joha 3
The donkey of Joha lost. So he swore that if he found his donkey, he would sell him by one dinar (one coin of money). So, he found his donkey. After that, he came up with a cat and he bound the neck of the cat by cable and bound the neck of the donkey by a cable too. He drove them to the market. He started to peddle: who want to by a donkey by one dinar and  a cat by one hundred dinar, but in one condition, the one who wants to buy them, he should buy both of them and not only one of them J
To be continued…

mercredi 22 mai 2013



Do not overstate compliment, because it will hypocrisy and do not overstate frankness, to not fall in the mire of impudicity

lundi 20 mai 2013

Story: Cycle of Human Life

Cycle of Human Life

A man asked a sailor:
Where did your father died
The sailor answered: in the sea
He asked him again: and your grandfather?
He responded: in the sea too
The man got surprised and vociferated him: and you are still embarking?
The sailor smiled for a second and he asked him:
Where did your father died?
The man answered him: in his bed
The sailor asked again: and your grandfather?
The man answered: in his bed too
The sailor took into his boat and said to the man:
And you are still sleeping in your bed! !after that!!
If you have planned to do something..
Then, you would make from this planning the vehicle of crossing
And if one day the era disobeyed you,
Then ask your God, to facilitate issues for you
Do never be despondent if you are in cramp livelihood
Because your God is able to endow with the bird among the eagles
And be aware that your God knows the meaning of the eye looking and what hearts hide
Be thankful, as long as you are still alive
And be aware also that this life is just a set of days that are rounding

dimanche 19 mai 2013

My Life

My life, is an Arabic, beautiful and impressing song by the Syrian singer Asala
Lyrics and music are amazing and so touching, accompanied by an English TRANSLATION:

The most beautiful thing in my life, is that I live, without thinking of something which I do not care about
The most beautiful thing in my life, is that I live, without thinking of something which I do not care about
The most beautiful thing in my life, is that I adore my life
The most beautiful thing in my life, is that I adore my life
There is no day in which I try to think about what happened and was and what probably will happen
Because I do not care
It is a beautiful feeling when living my life without sorrows
Living in each second of this life..
I adore melting, I dream flying above clouuuuuuuuuuuuuds
My life… my life…my life
I am free in my life
And trying always to be what I am
I am challenging the whole universe
Fill life with sing
And trying always to be what I am
I am challenging the whole universe
Fill life with sing
The most beautiful thing in my life, is that I adore my life
There is no day in which I try to think about what happened and was and what probably will happen
Because I do not care

Stations of Life


Life is  a set of stations, fresh by love, difficult by leaving, sad by farewell,  painful by treason, beautiful by gathering, hopeful by waiting and sweet by honesty  

samedi 18 mai 2013



Remember, if you have made a favor to someone do not mention it in front of anyone. However, if someone have made you a favor do not forget it at all. These are among ethics. That is to say these are on the side of angels 

Disease and Living Abroad

disease and living abroad

There are two things that can change your point of view towards people and life: disease and living abroad. Because then you discover who really you are for yourself especially and for others generally 

vendredi 17 mai 2013

Past and Present

Past and Present

Do not look back to see your past, because if it was so good, it will be you present now



There are lots of advices that we should take into consideration, among them if you are in the apex of happiness, do not give promises. However, if you are in the apex of anger, do not take decisions. You will regret in both cases. Calm down when you are either in the apex of anger or happiness and then you will find yourself making the right choice 



When you are saucebox enough to commit a big mistake towards someone, be at the same time courageous enough to apologize to that person 

Adamant Enough


We are living in a time, that if we ask the stone to be a human being, he will say
Sorry I cannot be a human being because I am not adamant enough to be that creature

jeudi 16 mai 2013



 I was in the bus; when I heard a story by one of passengers talking to his friend.
He said that one of the persons knew that he will die after five minutes. So, he sent two messages…
The first message was to his girlfriend, and the other to his friend.
He sent the same message to both of them written in the messages: I am going,, do you want to go with me?
After a while his girlfriend responded him:
Where are you going? I am busy!... I cannot go with you, go alone”
At the same time his friend responded:
Where are you going without me??
Wait I am coming with you””
Our friend smiled, he closed his eyes and then his heart stopped beating
What a wonderful pure friendship without waiting interests

Narrow and Open Minded

narrow and open minded

I think that the person who is narrow – minded is an untutored one, because the narrow mind led always to the intellectual prejudice. The latter, is something which is acquired and not by nature. We have acquired this from what we are told from different sources like parents, grandfathers and our social atmosphere owing to our origin, root, cultural and historical background in which we born and get our education in. So, we grow up saturated with a set of traditions, stereotypes and habits that belong to our root, (Which is normal in fact). When we come across some attitudes that we do not know them as we have been educated according to special rules, we get scared, and we feel like somebody wants to attack us. In order to defend ourselves or our ego, the first thing that we can do is to reject this or to consider it as a wrong thing or something which is taboo and we should not even mention it. To some extent our reaction towards issues can be normal because when our environment thought us our traditions and habits to apply them, they always said that everything which is different from issues that you have learnt from us is wrong and we grow up with this idea. Now, as we are human being we born and we have discovered that this creator cannot limit himself on just issues that he knows, and the proof is the huge technological issues that the human being has discovered, to the revolutions that persons made, persons who were born as slaves and they did not accept the fact, they struggled for freedom, writers, poets and revolutionists who did not limit themselves in what they had, because they believe that there is no limit towards the human creation. If it is true that we are limited and that God have created us limited, then there will be no place to imagination in the thinking of any human being, or we are still living in the Neolithic period. These persons that we were talking about were not genius, were not supermen or foreigners coming from another planet not the Erath that we are living in. They were just open-minded persons. They refused to limit themselves within the same triangle in which they grow up within it: root, environment and people. In fact, we should get rid of the expression: “people are enemies towards issues that they do not know”. How can I judge something that I do not know what is it and say no just because I have been educated that I should accept just issues that I know and I accustom myself to, while rejecting other things. Being open minded does not mean to accept everything as it is. The open minded is the one who is saturated by his roots, culture and traditions. But, at the same time he should always have the curiosity of knowing the new things and to interact with any new things. This does not mean that he will get rid of his origins. On the contrary, then, he will be able to compare between himself and others, he will be able to know the differences and at least if he cannot be like the other, he will accept his difference. They will accept each other by their differences and similarities. They will understand each other and they will arrive to a truth saying that the differences between them because they are from different origins, cultures and traditions will not derange them. Another point that we should take into account is that throughout history and time doctrines may change because doctrines are not religious or sacred issues because these are the only issues that can be changed. Doctrines are set of beliefs and principles in different fields established by group of people to be their base that they follow all of them to deal with each other and to deal with another group from another origin. As time and circumstances change with time, these doctrines may also change, because in origin they were built according to special circumstances. I cannot keep wearing the same clothes when I was 5 years old till 20 years old. It is impossible and illogic. This is just a simple example.  Now, the open minded person for me is the one who realizes to build a persona and intellectual base through which he can be able to understand first, to interact second, to take what he is convinced in and to reject what he is no in need of and finally to come up with what he wants, far from any kind of internal or exterior effects. To conclude, before talking freedom, before talking our similarities, before talking our differences, before talking our revolutions, before talking our opposition, struggling, criticizing others and talk all these big issues let’s start from the beginning of all of this let’s talk our minds.  

mercredi 15 mai 2013



Love is not about loving the man, till becoming a slave under his total control. Love is about you are conscious enough that you deserve to be loved as the only queen sitting in the throne of his heart

Close Some Doors

close doors

Some of us should close some doors not because of egoism, arrogance or selfishness, but because those doors are no longer led to anywhere at least from our point of view 

Blow me Down

Among the beautiful songs I have ever listened to. Blow me down, a song by the Lebanese singer Carol Samaha, in Arabic. The Lyrics are amazing and very impressive and deserved to be listened to. Lyrics are in Arabic of course. However, I tried to translate them into English, because I think that the subject matter of the song is stimulating for everyone of us

Blow me down, and blow me down, what had happened to me in my life,
 I have broken all the barriers
Boom Chiki Chiki Boom, Chiki Chiki Boom
Blow me down, and blow me down, I was hesitating to take my decisions
I walked and walked, convinced totally of what I was doing
, I was crying lot to achieve what I have dreamt about
My life is beautiful; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened, because under the sky everything is no more can blow for me down
My life is beautiful now; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened, because everything is no more can blow me down
Blow me down, and blow me down, if somebody can stand in my roadblock, because I will turn his whole life into Boom Chiki Chiki Boom, Chiki Chiki boom
There is no one and there is no one who could extinguish my brightness
I walked and walked, convinced totally of what I was doing
I was crying lot to achieve what I have dreamt about
My life is beautiful now; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive, whatever happened because under the sky everything is no more can blow me down
My life is beautiful; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened,
Everything is no more blow me down
I walked and walked, convinced totally of what I was doing
I was crying lot to achieve what I have dreamt about
My life is beautiful; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened, because under the sky everything is no more can blow me down
My life is beautiful; I am always venturing and running towards the unknown
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened, because under the sky everything is no more can blow me down
I am brooking, and I will definitely arrive whatever happened 

mardi 14 mai 2013

In Dreams Begin Responsibilities

in dream begin responsabilities

In dreams begin responsibilities. If you know how to dream, then you have to realize that you have appointed yourself responsible of that dream and it is up to you to achieve it. I do strongly believe that each letter of the word dream has a meaning. D stands for deal with your dream. R stands for realize this dream. E stands for encourage yourself. A stands for accomplish the dream and finally M stands for mission is done. So, dream is not just a simple word. You are responsible of that dream to be accomplished as it should be. The question now: are you ready to dream?  

lundi 13 mai 2013

Life as a logic Equation

live from mature view

Life in general is a set of experiences and difficulties in which any single person in this earth should pass by. The person who can success in his life is not the one who has luck, wealth or any power. Not at all, he is the one who has realized that he should keep for himself a kind of positive and mature attitude. That is to say, that when he used to suffer, he becomes wiser. When he used to fail, he realizes that he is more powerful. When he used to cry, he can smile in the faces of others to not make them feel his sadness. And finally when he used to smile, he keeps smiling to make from this smile an optimism, saying to himself: there is always tomorrow and tomorrow may be better than today, as far as I can breathe, I can always fight to make from my tomorrow a wonderful one

vendredi 10 mai 2013

Being Positive and Optimist or Negative and Pessimist

Being Positive and Optimist or Negative and Pessimist

The positive and the optimist person, his hopes and ideas have no limits. He is always leaving in a progressive and renewed phases of his life. He is a person who updates himself according to the different situations in which the circumstances put him in. Some of you may say this person is a dreamy person or a person who is living in imagination. I say no and no. On the contrary, he is the ideal person. He is a realistic enough to face all the events of life either they are positive or negative. He already knows that he will come across things that are more than him, more that he can bear and more that he can imagine. However, he knows that he will come across some situations in which he will surmount the hard times. He knows that life holds all the up and down issues and it is up to him to know how to deal with each one of them.  He has arrived to a point in which he does not affect the reality and the latter does not affect him. But together (he and the reality) create some kind of union in which they melt themselves together and they affect each other and this creates some kind of challenge between them. Now, this person that we are talking about is no more positive and optimist but he has a power in which he identifies himself as an affecting power and at the same time he proves that he is not a meaningless person and there is a reason for his existence. There is a reason behind the creation of God to him. For that reason, he is a positive and optimist person.
Far from that kind of people, the negative and pessimist person, his excuses and complaints have no limits too. He is wasting his time crying and blaming life, circumstances and his bad luck. He is always the wretched in this life. He is saying to himself that has gathered all the sadness of people, that’s why others are happy. He is their God of sadness. Life is the reality for him and in turn, reality is always sad. He blames always the circumstances. The most conjunction close to him and that he uses always is IF. He has not the power of doing or working, because he knows already that he will fail. Failure is following him and he follows the failure too. He considers “dreamy” persons stupid. He considers himself the only representative of the reality and the only one who knows the truth. He says always that we cannot do anything towards the power of life, towards the bad luck. He feels himself meaningless in this life. Do you know that when he gives his soul to God he asks him why do you create me and why do not you take me  back to you because I fed up;  do not blame this person, do not say he is meaningless one. I say no and no. he is not created like this. It is sure that he came across some difficult times that make him like that.
Being positive and optimist or negative and pessimist, is not question of destiny. It is a question of choice. We all try to be the first and somehow we may come to the second choice. For me, life is a battle. I may win, I may lose. In fact, I do not know. However, what I am sure of is that I will never give up; I will make my all progress to not giving up. If I win, it is what I am looking for, and if I lose, I will content myself with the honor of trying. The honor of trying to prove that there is a meaning behind my existence, simply because I strongly believe in God, my creator. And finally I strongly believe that he does not create me by chance.

jeudi 9 mai 2013



If you feel pain then you can realize that you are alive, but if you feel the pain of others then be happy because you will realize that you are human

mercredi 8 mai 2013

Me, Myself & I

me, myself and i

If you respect me, I will respect you too. If you disrespect me, I will respect you, because I do not represent you but I represent myself. So, I am myself and I will be no one but myself in spite of all kinds of people I met, meet and I will meet. It is true that they surround me. But I will be always the center. I am center of myself, the center of them and the permanent heart of matter for them. Because I am not like them and I used not to choose their path. I have chosen my own. For that reason, I know but I am sure that I will find then everywhere in my back, besides me and in front of me, trying with all their ways to make me like them. They consider this anomalous subject. Even though, I will find them always an excuse because I know that people are enemies towards everything that they do not know. I forgive their unawareness, and I am ready to adapt them as they are. However, I cannot forgive anyone who wants to be myself. Because I m alive enough to represent myself.

mardi 7 mai 2013

Just be yourself

just be yourself

The first step towards freedom and which make you free from all kinds of slavery is to be yourself and only yourself. If you try to be like others, or to be someone that pleases others, then you have already chosen to be a slave under the command of everybody, for your lifetime. However, if you choose to be the slave of yourself, and please it, then you are and you will be under the command of yourself. So, it is up to you to choose which kind of slavery you want to be. Do not be surprised from the question and say normally I want to be myself. There are lots of people find their pleasure when they are under the command of others, but not because they like slavery but because they have never felt or known what freedom is. Not just freedom but the freedom of the self. Have you ever think what the freedom of the self is? When you think for one second that you want to discover what freedom of the self is, then you will make your first step towards what we call be yourself.

dimanche 5 mai 2013

True Story: Sacrifice and Disappointment

sacrifice and disappointment

This is the story of sacrifice and disappointment. The sacrifice has bet for the disappointment. He has stood against everybody for him. He sacrificed his life, heart, flesh and blood. He melted himself to lighten his disappointment. What made him happy was to see the happiness of disappointment. They lived with each other covering themselves with pleasure, success and relief. In fact, the sacrifice was working, making all the progress that he could do, or that no one imagine that he could do it, only for the disappointment. After that sacrifice got tired and was in need of rest. He was sure that he could rest, because the disappointment was besides him. There were no worries. He is in safe hands. Suddenly, the disappointment disappeared as if he never exists. Sacrifice has never thought that one day he will be disappointed. For that reason, he started to look for disappointment, asking everybody about him. He did not pay attention to what people said about him. He was absent minded. He listened just to the voice of his heart. He was sure that his heart cannot lie. One day, he was crossing the street. He met him. Eyes were face to face. The sacrifice felt that he heart beats again. However, he could not talk the disappointment. The later went to him and he told him I am called disappointment but I am not like this, you sacrifice who creates me. I am your creator. So, do not blame me but yourself. The sacrifice was not able to grasp the few words said by disappointment. He went to his home. He tried to roundup himself by remembering the memories that gathered him with disappointment. He remembered the first day when they met, and memories started alternating. All of sudden, he discovered something that he did not pay attention to it before. It was true that disappointment was with him, but sacrifice was for him. He did not find within these memories one single thing that disappointment has done for him. He was and stills always the sacrifice. He scarified everything for him. He did not allow disappointment to do something for him. He did not even allow him to try. He found just sacrifice from his side and disappointment that he has created. Disappointment was true. I am the creator. I have disappointed myself. I am the only guilty no one else, because of love and because I have not felt the love I was looking for in the faces of the people who are around me, I have chosen to give up everything to disappointment and to delete himself. He forgets that we should not give everything to someone whatever this one is. He forgets that we are different because each one should have his privacy through which we face ourselves and we face the environment around us. Whenever we lose this privacy, we lose ourselves not but we delete ourselves. To sum up, disappointment was the world for the sacrifice. But sacrifice was an option for the disappointment.