samedi 26 octobre 2013

Political Corruption

A son asked his father:
Dad what the political corruption stands for?
capitalismThe father responded: I cannot answer you because it will be hard for you to grasp it regarding your age, but let me try bringing you close the answer.
I lay out on this house and its needs so I am called capitalism
Your mother is in charge of ménage so she is called government…
You expend these things so you are called people …
Your little brother is our hope; then we will call him the future…
Whereas the maid is living from our aid by serving us; we call her then poorer classes…
Now son; I think that I have approximated you the answer so the image can be clear for you. Go and think of these and try to come up with a result.
The son went and started to think of what his father told him at the extent that he could not sleep that night. He got up worried from his bed; when he heard the voice of his little brother crying. He went to him and he found that his brother has wet his diapers  and dirtied himself.
He went to wake up his mother but he found her fast asleep and he failed to wake up her. He went looking for his father who was not near to his mother what make the son surprised.
While he was in search of his father; he heard whispering and laughs coming from the room of the maid. He went to look what is going on from the hole of the door to find his father with the maid.
In the next day; the son came to his father and told him:
Dad I have found the meaning of the political corruption
His father said: wow; it is really amazing son; so tell me what you have known about it

The son answered: a political corruption is when the capitalism playing by using the poor classes; improving the opportunity that the government is fast asleep; so the people finds itself worried; astray and totally neglected. At that time the future becomes shipwrecked in dirt. This is what the political corruption means father.

jeudi 20 juin 2013

The King, Minister and Dogs

the king, minister and dogs
Once was a king who ordered to raise savage dogs in order to throw any minitser to them who commited a mistake. So that the dogs would lacerate and eat him with gultonnilly,,,,
one  day , one of the ministers gave a wrong opinion, the thing that the king disliked it. So, he ordered to throw the misniter to dogs. The minister said to the king: I have served you more than 10 years and this will be my retribution. So, I ask you to give me just ten days and then you can suspend. The king agreed on this.
The minister went  to the guard of dogs and he said to him: I want to serve these dogs for just 10 days. The guard responded: what will get as a benefit from this. The minister told him: I will answer you later on. The guard agreed on this and the minister started to take care of dogs , gave them foods, washed them and provide all kinds of relaxation for them.
After then days the suspending took place and the minister had been chuked in the prison with dogs. The  king and his people looked at him. They got surprised from what they had seen: the dogs came to the minister and started to bark under his foots. The king said to him: what did you do to these dogs so that they helped you with all this kindness. The minister said: I simply served them for 10 days and these dogs did not forget this service, and I served you more than ten years and you have forgotten all of these. The king bowed his head and he ordered to forgive him.
This story is a dedication to everyone from the bottom of the heart. Do not ignore the companionship for an ephernal situation. Do not delete a beautiful past for a situation that does not like you in order not to loose the close persons to you and the beautiful  memories

dimanche 16 juin 2013

Who is The...?

who is the...

Who is the weak one? He said: the one who you hear his voice loudly
Who is the genius? He said: the one who is the subject of contrast between two
Who is the normal? He said: the one who is the subject of agreement between two
Who is the sage? He said: the one who bows to feelings
Who is the crazy? He said: the one who pretends that he is wise
Who is the ridiculous? He said: the one who thinks that he is the most intelligent
Who is the flibbertigibbet? He said: the one who is talking nonsense
Who is the eloquent? He said: the one who masters synopsizing
Who is the savant? He said the one who gives you the knowledge
Who is the ignorant? He said the one pretends knowledge without any consciousness
Who is the thoroughbred? He said: who gives with generosity and without favor or wasting
Who is the greedy? He said the one who lives on the means of living of others with exploitation and interposition
Who is the writer? He said: the one who write with his feelings
Who is the honest? He said the one who is honest towards himself primarily
Who is the liar? He said the one who is deceived by the devil that he is the best
Who is the imperfect? He said all of us

jeudi 13 juin 2013

Dream and Success

dream and success
Some of us sleep in order to dream about success. However, others, wake up early to realize their dreams

mardi 11 juin 2013

Great Love Story: the Saline Coffee

Great Love Story: the Saline Coffee
He met her in a party
She was attractive and lot of people were following her
He was a normal young man and was not attractive
In the end of the party, he went ahead to her and he invited her to drink with him a coffee
She got surprised towards this invitation. However, her politeness obliges her to accept this invitation.
They set in a coffee shop. He was so nervous and could not talk. Similarly, she could not talk and she felt not at ease.
She was about to leave. Suddenly, he referred to the waiter saying:
((Please… I want some salt to my coffee) 0!!
Everybody looked at him in an astonished way
His face got flushed. Even though, he put the salt in his coffee and drunk it
She asked him in a curious way (why this habit??), she meant the salt in coffee
He answered her:
(When I was a boy, I was living near the sea, I loved the sea and I felt its saltiness, just like the saline coffee. Now, in each time I ate the saline coffee I remembered my childhood, my country side and I missed my parents who are still living there now)
When he said this, his eyes overflew with tears… and he got affected
He was his true feeling from the bottom of his heart.
The man who could reveal his yearning to his country, he is absolutely  a lovely man, who cares, and feels responsibility towards his  country, family and she started to talk about her childhood, family and it was an interesting talking.
They continued to see each other
She discovered that he is the man that had all the qualities that she was looking for.
He was smart, kindly hearted, good and careful. He was a good man and she was missing him and of course thanks to his saline coffee!!
The story is like any other love story: the prince married the princess and they lived with each other a great life.
Whenever she was making coffee for him, she was putting salt in it because she knew that he loved it like this (saline).
After forty years he died and he left her a letter saying:
((honey, please forgive me, forgive me for the lie of my life. It was the only lie that I committed towards you,,, the saline coffee! Do you remember the first meeting between us? I was nervous that time and I wanted to ask for sugar for my coffee but as a result of my turbulence, I asked for a salt!!
 I flushed to swing-back my decision but I had no choice and I continued in my lie. I did not expect that this lie will be the beginning of our engagement!!
I wanted to tell you the truth after this incident.
However, I was afraid to let you know about it!! So I have decided to not lie to you another time.
Now, I am dying,,, for that reason I am not longer afraid to tell you the truth
I do not like the saline coffee!! What a strange savor!!
However, I have had drunk the saline coffee throughout my whole life with you and I did not feel sorry to drink it, because my existence near to you has covered anything.
If I have another chance to live another life, I would choose to live it with you even if I was obliged to drink the saline coffee in this second life))
She ended the letter and her tears have covered the letter.
Once, somebody asked her (what was the savor of the saline coffee?)

She answered (it was very sweet)!!

vendredi 7 juin 2013

Your Dignity

Your Dignity
Dignity is like a fruit on the tree
People look to this fruit and they are covetousness to take it
If you leave it out,  it will be dropped from the tree
And it will be badly treated in the hands of everybody, so keep it

Its water is your modesty, its air is yourself respect and its fragrance is your bestowal